Break the Cycle! How to Stick to Your Fitness Goals!
Before you blast through the doors of your gym and workout like you're in a Rocky montage, consider these tips to keep you healthy and "On Track" in 2025!
1. Start slow
This may be difficult given the excitement you have for your goals. Giving yourself time to ease into your routine will help on several fronts. This will help you avoid burning out from trying to change your life suddenly. Focus on building one habit at a time (such as going to the gym 1-3 hours per week). This will also give your body time to adjust to the stress of working out, helping you avoid injury.
2. Consistency over intensity
Some days will feel better than others. When you're having a down day, aim to do a shorter or slower workout. This may be half the distance you planned to run or lifting 20% less weight. It's always better to do something than nothing. This is true especially as someone trying to create new habits. Show up on the hard days and the other days will feel like a breeze.
3.Find a community
Bring a friend or family member with a similar goal as you! This will help you both stay accountable. You can also look for group training (like our small group programs) to stay motivated!