Our Top Exercise for Longevity!
What kind of exercise you do depends on your goals. If your goal is to stay out of the nursing home, these options are for you:
1. Squat- The applications for this movement are endless. Getting out of your chair, off the toilet, or up the stairs, will be easier when you squat regularly. Work toward squatting deep enough where your hips drop below your knees. See videos below
2. Walk- Builds cardiovascular endurance and gets you outside. Having a base of cardio will keep prolonged activities from draining you. Burn some calories and bring some friends along!
3. Overhead press- When done properly this exercise displays upper body strength and mobility. Many struggle with these due to a lack of shoulder and upper back mobility. Being capable of lifting objects over head (like your carry on for a flight or dishes into the cupboard) is important in maintaining independence. See demo below.
Assisted Squat Tutorial:
Sit to Stand Tutorial:
Overhead Press Tutorial: